Members of the Netherlands National Contact Point
The Netherlands NCP is an independent organisation that consists of four independent members and four advisory members from different government departments.
NCP Members

Catelene Passchier joined the NCP in February 2018, and is its chairperson since 1 May 2021. Furthermore, she is the Chair of the Workers’ group of the ILO since June 2017, and member of the board of the Fair Wear Foundation. She studied law at Utrecht University, was a barrister in Amsterdam from 1981 – 1988, and then became a policy adviser for the FNV notably in the areas of labour law, industrial relations, international affairs, equalities and migration. In 2003 she was elected as a Confederal Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) in Brussels. From 2010 until 2017 she was a member of the executive board of the FNV, first being in charge of the coordination of collective bargaining and social dialogue, and then as its vice president. In that capacity she was also a member of the Social Economic Council and of the board of the Foundation of Labour.

Joris Oldenziel joined the NCP in January 2021. He further serves as the Executive Director of the International Accord for Health and Safety in the Textile and Garment Industry, a legally binding agreement between global garment brands and trade unions aimed to improve health and safety in textile and garment factories. Previously Joris held various positions at SOMO, where he co-founded the OECD Watch network and represented civil society organisations in the 2011 update of the OECD MNE Guidelines.

Liesbeth Enneking joined the NCP in December 2021. She holds a Special Chair on the Legal Aspects of International Corporate Social Responsibility at Erasmus School of Law, Erasmus University Rotterdam (the Netherlands). Her research focus is on the hard law aspects of the topic, including due diligence legislation and civil litigation against multinational corporations in relation to human rights violations or environmental degradation in their global value chains. In her capacity as academic legal expert, she has actively participated over the past ten years in the debate on sustainable development and business & human rights. She has conducted numerous research projects for national and international organizations, including the Dutch Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Security & Justice, the Dutch Research Council (NWO) and the European Commission. Since 2019, she is also a member of the Monitoring Committee of the International Responsible Business Conduct Agreement that has been concluded between the Dutch insurance sector, the Dutch government and a number of civil society organizations in the Netherlands.

Rutger Goethart joined the NCP in May 2024. Rutger currently works as senior associate of Shift, a leading centre of expertise on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. On behalf of Shift, he advises multinational companies from various sectors, supporting them to assess, address, prioritize, and report potential human rights impacts. Previously, Rutger worked at the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) supporting the development of the social European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). He also worked as Senior Manager for International Labour Relations at Heineken, where he was responsible for international labour relations and human & labour rights. Rutger studied at the Faculty of Law at Utrecht University, where he specialized in Labor and Civil law.
Advisory members
The independent members of the NCP are supported in their work by four advisory members. These members are government representatives from the four ministries which are most closely linked to the NCP.
- Saïd El Haroui (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade Policy and Economic Governance Department)
- Ellen van Lindert (Ministry of Social Affairs & Employment, Department of International Affairs)
- Ilse Pauwels (Ministry of Infrastructure & Water Management, Department of International Affairs)
- Ruud van Soelen (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, Enterprise Department)