NCP secretariat
The Dutch National Contact Point is supported by a Secretariat that is based at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in The Hague.
The Secretariat is often the first point of entry not only for organisations who wish to send a notification but also for multinational enterprises who have questions about the practical applicability of the OECD Guidelines.
The tasks of the Secretariat include, amongst others, working on specific instances (together with the members of the NCP) and facilitating dialogue between parties, providing information and promotional work regarding OECD Guidelines, establishing cooperations with other NCP's, answering questions about the OECD Guidelines and (co-)organizing events.
Currently the Secretariat consists of Lotte Hoex (senior policy officer), Kamala Laghate (senior policy officer), Marina van Riel (policy officer) and Sylvia Tuin (co-ordinating policy officer).