Follow-up to the Final Statement regarding Aminigboko Community vs SPDC/Shell

The Follow-up of the Final Statement concerning the notification by the Aminigboko community versus The Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Limited, Nigeria, and Shell HQ (based in the Netherlands at the time) was published on 23 January 2025. The notification concerned alleged violations of the first eight chapters of the OECD Guidelines, amongst which General Policies, Disclosure, Human Rights and Environment. According to the notifying parties, the enterprise had, amongst others, established parallel leadership of the community, fueled polarization within the community, withheld the environmental impact assessment from the community, failed to clean up oil contamination and forcibly entered the community’s land with armed forces. 

The NCP previously determined that the notification warranted further consideration (see Initial Assessment) and offered to facilitate dialogue between the parties. While the notifying party accepted this offer, the company declined, and no dialogue took place. The NCP then conducted a further examination, which was detailed in the Final Statement published on 10 February 2023. The Final Statement included recommendations addressing the concerns raised and encouraging cooperation with legitimate grievance mechanisms, such as the NCP.

As a result of the Follow-up procedure, the NCP concluded that the company has made no progress in implementing any of the recommendations.